Integrated CAD-CAM-CNC Software for Windows
Public prices

Galaad Professional Licence: 1430 EUR

Galaad Educational Licence: 320 EUR

Galaad Hobby Licence: 320 EUR

Prices for secondary and bonus modules cannot be subtracted from Galaad standard licence. However this is not forced sale: simply, Galaad licence grants access to secondary modules as a free bonus. Galaad standard licence price remained unchanged since first availability of Galaad 3, which came without these side modules that have been added more recently.

Gawain Professional Licence, turning only:  390 EUR
Gawain Educational Licence, turning only:  190 EUR

Kynon Professional Licence, programming only:  390 EUR
Kynon Educational Licence, programming only:  190 EUR

Kay-Lancelot Licence (driving modules only, Percival PCB module enabled):  200 EUR

Note: Educational licences are reserved for schools, colleges, universities, and more generally any public or private training centre with educational and non lucrative purpose. This type of licence is valid only for teaching, and excludes any other professional activity. The use of Galaad software or related modules under educational licence for commercial purpose, particularly its designs and directly or indirectly machined workpiece, is a violation of this special licence.

Note: "Hobby" licences are for restricted sale, reserved for persons who solemnly certify that they will not use the software for professional or commercial purposes. That kind of licence cannot be transferred to professional users. The use of Galaad software under "Hobby" licence for commercial purpose, and especially its designs or resulting workpieces, machined directly or indirectly, is a violation of this special licence. No lucrative use is allowed, including by an association. Note that the THC function for plasma cutting is only available with a Galaad Pro licence.

Prices for resellers (from 10 units per year) :  please contact us
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